Sunday, December 26, 2010

Check out our guest post over at

This is what I posted here, at my friend's blog:

Hi, I'm Mr. Organic family man. Seriously, I am. For over 10 years, my life has slowly churned from Pringles to Naughty by Nature (I mean Natural by Nature milk). I've learned that 3rd generation nitrates are evil and never, ever, buy diapers with chlorine. Deodorants -- don't need'em (aluminum). Toothpaste -- I use bee's wax. Hair -- don't brush it (nothing to do with organic, though). Enough with the background, this blog is about wine which is where I will eventually end up.

Yesterday, my wife and her good friend (blog owner), decided that it would be nice to meet and enjoy each other's company over a cozy holiday dinner. My job was to buy an organic wine. That was the easy part -- turns out that someone (blog owner) started blogging about $85 half bottles of wine. Me, I just purchased an expensive home in a crashing real estate market so compared to my usual Yellowtail exploitations, I decided to go all out and spend like a 2007 home equity borrower, and bought Frey Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 (did I mention it was organic?) -- $18.99 (plus tax).

Here's where the story takes a decidedly awkward twist. As we arrive and are cordially greeted to a wonderful, festive, lovely home, I handed over the Frey. We were seated to a table filled with such beautiful food that anyone name Pierre or Jacques would be jealous. I realized that all the organic juice flowing through my veins still had no chance at this cultural extravaganza of a meal. As the cork was unleashed from the $85/ounce wine, I wanted to slowly walk to the men's room and pour out the Frey -- but no way Jose. I was doomed. The $85/per droplet wine was magnificent. The conversation was festive and everyone laughed and joked. Food was devoured. I swear that everyone looked like Vogue models at the table. Then it happened. We finished the $85/per molecule wine and it was on to Frey.

The bottle opened without a hitch and that was the highlight for this wine. It tasted like organic water with a hint of water. The first sip was like the scene in Aliens where the guy comes back after being attacked by an alien, and seems fine, but then at dinner, his stomach starts to hurt and a baby Alien came out of his stomach with sharp teeth -- needless to say, no one was happy. The festive mood turned into depressing conversations about mortgage rates and the need to buy more Ikea furniture.

Conclusion -- If you like Jeopardy, Aliens, or Ben Stein buy Frey, otherwise stay away.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Great deals from 1 deal a day sites

Lately, I've been seen promotion from, and other 1 deal a day sites. Today's special is from and they're offering 50% off Organic Skincare Products from Green and Chic. When you sign up for plumdistrict, make sure to use the code "welcome" for additional $5 off.

The Details
* $15 for $30 worth of eco-friendly bath, body and fashion products from Green and Chic
* Chose from hundreds of all-natural skincare and haircare products that will have you looking and feeling great

The Fine Print
* Limit 1 per person
* You may purchase multiples to give as gifts
* Voucher may not be used toward shipping costs
* Not valid with other offers
* Voucher amount must be redeemed in one transaction
* Expires 11/21/2010

Update: I already ordered the following for a total of $4.45
True Body Soap - 3 bars for $5.50
Ilumina Organics - Organic Baby Body Wash
Erbaorganics - Baby Body Wash

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Give and they Agave

Thoughts on life from the Organic Daddy

Typical Saturday morning. Baby Emma (we are required to refer to her as "baby" even though she is 2 1/2 years old and knows how to hold her bladder for 6 hours until she gets her way by unwinding our nerves and negotiating a deal for her toiletry usage for a pomegranate organic lollipop) yells out for some brave soul to enter her quarters. She then joins us in our bedroom, in the hopes that she might doze off for another 10-15 minutes. Guess what happens, no 10-15 minutes here! Our bed turn into a Chuck E. Cheese ball bounce pit. After getting abused like a pork chop, we slither out of bed for our favorite breakfast - organic waffles. My job is to clean the waffle iron. You might be saying that is not a JOB - however, I take it very seriously. I painstakingly clean up every single dried up burnt crumb and prepare for the most important ingredient known to cooking waffles - organic extra virgin olive oil. I dab a super absorbent paper towel, and with a painter's stroke, I lovingly spread the oil, ensuring that each individual waffle quadrant is perfectly coated (not too much oil because (a) this stuff is expensive and (b) I'm being closely monitored by the head chef and I don't want to lose my waffle iron privileges). After I complete my noble duties, I try to slowly sneak into the family room to catch anything on ESPN. No luck there though. Baby Emma has decided she wants to make a monster out of clay. We spend about 5-7 minutes mashing 12 different colors of clay and looking deeply into each others eyes, all the while making scary monster noises loudly. Finally, we sit down to eat the waffles that I slaved over. Baby Emma gets 4 waffles hot off the waffle iron - me, I sit like a well behaved adult even though my stomach is rumbling. My better half asks me what I would like to drink and I kindly reply "coffee." Birds are chirping, Baby Emma is happy and devouring her organic waffles - all is well. Except for one thing. It's taking a long time for the coffee to reach me. I look towards my better half and her back is turned toward me and I don't see any sugar around, but I do see the spoon stirring something in my coffee. No worries - I don't have life insurance so I'm not worried that something illegal is happening. She slowly brings the coffee over which is overflowing and spilling all over the place, but I bite my tongue (not really). I take the dripping coffee and start to drink and... nothing. It's fine. Not different from yesterday's or the cup from last week or last year. But then I get the question, "How was your coffee?" and I reply, "fine." At this point I see a smirk and I ask, "What?" and of course she says, "Nothing." But we all know "nothing" means "something." She tells me that she replaced my sugar with a couple of drops of Agave. Agave? Who? What? At this point I can't see straight from hunger and I ask Baby Emma to kindly spare her soggy organic waffle with me and she obliges. I forgot that I had Agave in my coffee nor did I care about delving deeper into the topic because those organic waffles were delicious.

Which produce shoud I always buy organic?

If you want to make the switch to organic produce, but not sure what you start with, here are the top 5 worst fruits and vegetables to buy conventional since they contain the highest level of pesticides. You'll be surprised to find that it's often not much more expensive than the conventional produce.

1. Peach
2. Apple
3. Sweet Bell pepper
4. Nectarine
5. Celery

Here are the top 5 fruits and vegetables you don't have to feel guilty about buying conventional:

1. Onion
2. Avocado
3. Sweet Cord
4. Pineapple
5. Mango

Here's the comprehensive list of the pesticides level in the most popular fruits and vegetables, so start from the top and work your way down.

Favorite Organic products that can be bought online

So you say you don't have any stores near your that carry organic products? Here are some of my favorite products that you should buy online whether or not you live right next to Whole Foods. Not only is it convenient to order without ever leaving the house, but the prices are actually better from